Composting can be a tough task when living in an urban setting. Lack of space, living vertically or busy lifestyles can contribute to a difficult endeavor trying to create an adequate composting routine that works for your home. One of the best solutions is to find a school garden, local farmer or neighbor with enough space to donate your compost to once your bin is full. This closes the loop on organic waste and gives it a new life as fertile soil. To help identify a neighbor accepting compost, a couple (Eli and Tomas) from Newtown, Sydney, created a website called ShareWaste where you can use an interactive map to identify the nearest compost host’ and reach out to arrange a drop-off. The process has been made relatively seamless and the amount of fantastic soil that has been made through the platform must be staggering. We suggest you check out there website and social media to learn more!
Additionally, we have provided a link to The Biocycle Portal where commercial composter’s can be located. This will help for compostable materials that need to be broken down further, large-scale organic waste from high capacity food handling or incorporating green waste from yard trimmings and landscaping. We suggest our bags be broken down further before beginning the compost process to help speed the compost process.
Biocycle Portal: